How to begin your child’s journey:
Step 1
To begin the application process, please submit your enquiry through the Online Student Enquiry and Registration page.
Step 2
You may contact the following persons to know more about the admission process
Admission Team e-mail id –
Office-0472 2586005 / 2586006 / 2586007
Office Assistant – 9995561549
Vice-principal- 8589079539
Step 3
Supporting Documents
The supporting documents that are required when a registration is submitted are:
- Applicant’s Photo
- Applicant recent school/nursery report (at least two years if applicable)
Without the above listed documents the entry process for your child cannot be completed.
Please ensure that all relevant information regarding your child is included with the online Registration Form:
- Information regarding allergies, special medical conditions, etc.
- Up to date contact details, and emergency telephone numbers for both parents.
- Please also check that your child has received all necessary vaccinations; consult your physican, if in doubt